Sytone's Ramblings

The occasional posts of a guy who plays with technology.

Writing in ASP.Net and C#

2005-07-22 1 min read Development
“Of late I have been doing more and more in c# and ASP.Net. I am helping a friend out with the creation of a new site and a project at work I am on requires a timeline of actions to be rendered. I cannot find any components in the wild to do this so it looks like I will be writing one myself. Update: I have found a base Control that I can work with! Continue reading

The Ant and the Grasshopper

2005-06-28 3 min read General
“The Original Story Of The Ant And The Grasshopper The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he’s a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The shivering grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold. The Modern Australian Version The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. Continue reading

Time to study.

2005-06-26 1 min read General
“Over the last week I have now got 70-301, one of the hardest MCP tests I have done. You really need to know the information form 70-301 and 70-300 as the test references both. Also a good review of all th eMSF 3.1 Whitepapers on the Microsoft site helped immensely. Im now in the process of studing for 70-229 SQL Design, it is not looking to bad at the moment, well until I have to get into Normalisation :D The twins are doing well, Amelie is now smiling all the time and Anja is well, being Anja :)”

Its a Sunny Day

2005-06-18 1 min read General
“The weekend has a good start to it. It is nice and warm at the moment (22C). So to celebrate we are having a BBQ luch and putting the pool up. The past week went well with me spending the bulk of it studying, and I even passed. Im now a MCP again as I did 70-228 (SQL Admin). I will be putting some photos up of Kew gardens tonight. We went there last weekend and it was a really nice day out. Continue reading

Site Update

2005-05-22 1 min read General
“I have decided to create a theme from scratch myself and this is it, it is called Blue Cross. It has been designed to take variable width content in the centre so i can embed gallery and my wiki into the site. I have also upload Photo Collector, a application i wrote to handle the copying of images from my camera in a organised manner."

Photo Collector

2005-05-21 1 min read General
“I have been looking for a application to help me copy my photos from memory cards to a folder structure on my PC. I hav ebeen doing a manual file listing and copying it according to date (yyyy_mm_dd) and haveing folders named the same. After getting annoyed with doing this manually I have created the photo collector. It will handle JPG and AVI files and copy them to there corect taken date folder on the destination. Continue reading

Back from Rome

2005-05-15 1 min read General
“We had a nice time in rome and Im getting photos ready to upload. Nature/IMG_4754.jpg I also have the Gallery plugin for wordpress working, and of course done the obligatory tweaking :D I have added some code to make it look nice and handle the class attributes correctly. Also I noticed that his site missed the fact you have to have the jpg extention on the file as well.”
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