Sytone's Ramblings

The occasional posts of a guy who plays with technology.

Windows 8 Consumer Preview with Eee PC T101MT

2012-03-03 2 min read General
I have a Eee PC T101MT and wanted to run Windows 8 on it. The same steps can be run on the Consumer Preview Time to tweak the graphics! As the resolutions is only 600 not 768 in vertical you need to do the following. Type in regedit, you will then be shown a icon of regedit click/press on it or press Win + R to get the run prompt. Press Ctrl+F and search for Display1_DownScalingSupported in the registry. Continue reading

Running Windows 8 on the Eee PC T101MT

2011-11-19 2 min read General
I have a Eee PC T101MT and wanted to run Windows 8 on it. This entry takes you through the steps. Download the Windows 8 Preview @ I downloaded the 32-bit version as it was smaller and I only have 2Gb on the machine. :) Go to the Microsoft Store and download the Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool @ this will allow you to put the ISO on a bootable USB key. Continue reading

Simple way to store credentials in Powershell

2011-09-24 1 min read General
I know this is not the most secure way to store credentials but it works and is simple to manage. I use this when I need creds stored for accessing web based resources. To use it run the following: [code lang=“ps”] #To set Credentials Set-MyCredential -File c:\temp\thecreds.dat #To get Credentials $creds = Get-MyCredential -User domain\user -File c:\temp\thecreds.dat function Set-MyCredential($File) { $Credential = Get-Credential $credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content $File } function Get-MyCredential($User, $File) { $password = Get-Content $File | ConvertTo-SecureString $credential = New-Object System. Continue reading

Using SqlConnectionStringBuilder in PowerShell

2010-10-12 1 min read General
I wanted to use the SqlConnectionStringBuilder object in the SqlClient area but was having issues accessing the properties. The Object itself is just a collection with a key value structure. To access the keys use the following PowerShell code: $builder = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder $builder.Keys To set a property just use the key as a reference. For example: $builder["Data Source"] = $server $builder["Initial Catalog"] = $database $builder["Encrypt"] = $true $builder["TrustServerCertificate"] = $false $builder["User ID"] = $login $builder["Password"] = $password

New Toy! Eee PC T101MT

2010-06-22 1 min read General
Photo by ichibodI finally got me one of those new fangled netbooks with touch! I have been looking for a small form tablet PC for a while. So far it has been working as expected, the IO seems a little slow but I am uninstall a heap o apps and will defrag the poor thing shortly. The touch seems ok so far but I cannot wait to get OneNote 2010 on it to see how it rolls. Continue reading

Deleting Content Types in SharePoint

2010-06-22 1 min read General
I found this peice of SQL on the web a while ago, I have no idea where it came from but it did come in handy the other day when a client needed to delete a content type but kept on getting the message it was in use. When deleting content types you need to ensure: All items using the type are deleted (and deleted from the recycle bin) The Content type is removed from any list using it. Continue reading

When is true not true?

2010-05-31 1 min read General
When you look at true stored in the .Net framework. While playing with Pex I found out a interesting fact that the bool is a byte in the MSIL. Which means that a bool could be euqal to anything on the byte range… Now this would require you to go out of your way and create unsafe code blocks to do this. Why you would do this… No ideas :) Its marked as a no-fix which is not supprising as I would not fix it either becase as they say, if you know about this and you use it then you are on your own. Continue reading
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