Sytone's Ramblings

The occasional posts of a guy who plays with technology.

Theme Hack - Flickr image in Amazing Grace Wordpress theme

2008-10-22 1 min read General

If you are using the Amazing Grace theme for Wordpress the following hack allows you to change the image in the header bar to a flickr feed. Note: I have only tested in IE, if you have firefox and it does not work drop a comment. Modify header.php and place the following in the style tags near the top.

#portrait-bg { background:url(/images/bg-portraitB.jpg); }

#flickr_badge_image1 { position:absolute; left:14px; top:28px; } #flickr_badge_image1 img { border: none; width:283px; height:174px; }

Create a badge with flickr for the tagged photos you want in the header and in the final screen with the code to paste into your site look for the javascript call. Place this between the div with the id portrait-bg in header.php Example.

Once this is done, place the following image in the Amazing Grace theme directory under images and name it bg-portraitB.jpg. (Right click and save it down) bg-portraitB Refresh and all should be done.